Steal The Princess DS US

Steal Princess DS US Action Replay Codes

Steal Princess DS US Action Replay Codes Includes:
Misc Codes

  • Time 0:00
  • All Treasures x 99
  • All Modes/Options
  • Enable All Items From Shop
  • All Items From Shop Being Purchased
  • All Stages (Select)
  • All Stage Complete With Gold Medal (Select)
  • Repayment A Little and Debt Become Fully Paid

Mission Codes

  • Mission Time Never Increase
  • Health Never Decrease
  • Invicible After Being Injured

Steal Princess DS US Action Replay Codes:
Game ID: YP9E-EF6A2D8C

Misc Codes:

Time 0:00
0219ea60 00000000

All Treasures x 99
2219ea4d 00000063
1219ea4e 00006363
0219ea50 63636363
0219ea54 63636363
2219ea58 00000063

All Modes/Options
0219f7d4 01010101
0219f7d8 01010101
1219f7dc 00000101

Enable All Items From Shop
c0000000 0000002f
2219eb73 00000001
dc000000 00000003
d2000000 00000000

All Items From Shop Being Purchased
c0000000 0000002f
2219eb75 00000001
dc000000 00000003
d2000000 00000000

All Stages (Select)
94000130 fffb0000
c0000000 000000a4
2219e330 00000001
dc000000 00000008
d2000000 00000000
94000130 fffb0000
d5000000 01010101
c0000000 00000004
d6000000 0219ea34
d2000000 00000000

All Stage Complete With Gold Medal (Select)
94000130 fffb0000
c0000000 000000a4
1219e332 00000001
dc000000 00000008
d2000000 00000000

Repayment A Little and Debt Become Fully Paid
120b4e44 000046c0

Mission Codes

Mission Time Never Increase
1205c204 00000000

Health Never Decrease
02039b14 e1a00001

Invicible After Being Injured
0203a96c e3a010fd

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