Animal Crossing Wild World DS US Action Replay Codes

You should have AR Device for apply ar codes:
Please leave comment if you have any question
Game ID: ADME 8F7851CB

Savings Account Full
021dcbe8 3b9ac9ff

Max/Infinite Bells
021dc544 0001869f

Max Nook Points
121dcc0c 00004e20

Tom Nook Is Never SOLD OUT
021f0808 00000000
021f080c 00000000

Golden roses surrounding home
Activate Up+L

All Paintings In Museum
021f079d 00000011
121f079e 00001111
021f07a0 11111111
121f07a4 00001111
221f07a6 00000011

(Press UP+L)
94000130 000001BF
121e3f0c 0000001c
121e3f0e 0000001c
121e3f10 0000001c
121e3f12 0000001c
121e3f14 0000001c
121e3f16 0000001c
121e3f18 0000001c
121e3f1a 0000001c
D2000000 00000000

Holding Roman candle
Here is a new cheat idea. Press down + L to have an item equipped

Press Down+L to be holding a roman candle
94000130 0000017F
121d9566 0000137f
D2000000 00000000

Press Down+L to be holding an Item
94000130 0000017F
121d9566 0000XXXX
D2000000 00000000
Replace XXXX with a hex code of an item.

This code is for 1.0:

94000130 0000017F
121d8fe6 0000137f
D2000000 00000000

This one is for EU:

94000130 0000017F
121dcc0e 0000137f
D2000000 00000000

Auto Weed pulling
Press L+R.
023FF090 012FFF11
E0000000 000000E8
E28F2001 E12FFF12
4830A436 4B324D33
290178A1 DC4FD048
24308802 42220124
A430D153 70A12101
2200601D 21FF4829
310F0109 2B1F8803
2B21D00A 2B24DB01
3201DD06 39013002
2100D5F4 477070A1
03092121 23201C0D
2402021B 200001E4
DB0242A2 30011B12
1C04E7FA 2C042000
3C04DB02 E7FA3001
01004358 435C182D
19090124 2A102000
3A10DB02 E7FA3001
182D4358 1889435A
6800480D 00D222A9
60011A80 47706085
70A12102 6018480C
01122220 47708022
39018821 2210D4B2
80210112 D1004291
4770601D 04000130
021C6DEC 021E3124
020E7E4C E1D120B0
E3E02002 00000000
023FF090 E3520003

Walk on Water on Wifi!
Press A+R+UP

94000130 000002be
121E3686 0000140e
021E3688 10171615
021E368C 2426270e
021E3690 1d0e1023
021E3694 1021201e
021E3698 181a1b0e
121E369C 00001019
D2000000 00000000

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